CLICK HERE to receive our FREE monthly Newsletter! > GEM's (video modules)

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To access the GEM's, you must be a current subscriber of the $10/month website data service.

Login, then come back to this page, to get access to the GEM's "Pay Now" link below.


We're excited to announce our new "GEM's" training modules!

  • NEW: Video Training Modules!
  • Watch at your convenience
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Quizzes to test your comprehension and understanding!
  • Get access to the full catalogue of topics
  • Buy the GEM modules and start learning today

G.E.M. stands for: Global Education Modules

Our new Video Training Modules allow you to learn and study at your convenience.

The GEM's are pre-recorded training videos of all our advanced topics that we teach here at

The GEM's also include self-paced quizzes, to test your understanding and comprehension of the topics presented.

Click the silver "View GEMs Demo" button below, to see the
DEMO Video Training Modules and take the DEMO Quiz.

You can watch and study the GEM's over-and-over again (after the one-time payment).
Purchase the GEM's below, and start learning today!

* Please note that access to the GEM's requires you to be a current $10/month subscriber of the website data service.

* Access to the GEM's requires you to be a current $10/month subscriber of the website data service.

Quizzes to test your understanding:

Special Introductory Pricing

PAY HERE:  $395.00

(Prices current as of: 10-22-2024)

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Login first, then return to this page, to get access to the "Pay Now" button here.

To access the GEM's, you must be a current subscriber of the $10/month website data service.
  1. Login
     (status: NOT logged-in)
  2. Pay for the GEM's with "Pay Now" button above
     (status: NOT paid yet)
  3. Access the GEM's (after you login) with the blue "Goto GEM's training" button (at the top, below your email)
NOTE: Access to the GEM's will be available only after you login (step #1) and after you pay (step #2).